Local information

Meeting will be held at Kolka willage that is situated near Kolka horn. It is possible to get to Kolka by bus (from capital city Riga) or by car.

Buses to Kolka departures from Riga international coach terminal. There are five buses each day to Kolka and back. Bus tickets in one direction costs from 4.00 to 5.00 lats.

Buses from Riga to Kolka

# Line Departure Arrival Duration Fare, LVL
1 Riga-Roja-Kolka-Mazirbe 07:20 10:48 03:28 4.10
2 Riga-Roja-Kolka 13:15 16:40 03:25 4.00
3 Riga-Talsi-Vandzene-Kolka 14:50 19:35 04:45 5.00
4 Riga-Talsi-Dundaga-Kolka 15:30 20:00 04:30 4.50
5 Riga-Roja-Kolka-Mazirbe 17:15 20:52 03:37 4.10

Buses from Kolka to Riga

# Line Departure Arrival Duration Fare, LVL
1 Mazirbe-Kolka-Roja-Riga 04:35 07:55 03:20 4.00
2 Kolka-Dundaga-Talsi-Riga 05:40 09:55 04:15 4.50
3 Kolka-Vandzene-Talsi-Riga 06:35 11:20 04:45 5.00
4 Mazirbe-Kolka-Roja-Riga 12:47 16:15 03:28 4.10
5 Kolka-Roja-Riga 17:25 20:50 03:25 4.10

Location of Kolka village (marked with red dot - click on image to enlarge)

Location of practice (field) station (marked with red dot - click on image to enlarge)